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3-year-old Preschool

In both our full and half-day classes, the School of St. Mary serves as a foundation and introduction to formal, lifelong learning. Teachers introduce the children to the joy of discovery and independence while mastering the routines of a classroom. The students thrive in a loving, engaging, Catholic atmosphere where each student developmentally learns through play. Gaining confidence as a result of their growing autonomy, our three-year-olds focus on exploring and manipulating materials in a wide variety of individual and group experiences. The teachers encourage each student to enjoy and actively participate spiritually, emotionally, socially, intellectually, and physically.
Our program is play-based, with a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Centers consistently and thoughtfully planned for classes vary week to week and day to day. Common activities include art, literacy, sensory, dramatic play, block building, math materials, and science exploration.  
Mornings follow a schedule consisting of arrival, outdoor play, meeting as a group, specials, literacy, math, science, snack, centers, prayers, and dismissal. The full-day program follows a similar structure for the morning and includes lunch, rest time, and additional opportunities for learning and play in the afternoon.
Close relationships between students and their teachers evolve through the year. Teachers remain in frequent contact with parents through daily pickup and dropoff,  newsletters, and parenting resources. Parents form a partnership with the teacher through regular verbal and written communication as well as formal trimester assessments and conferences.

PreK-3 Curriculum Summary

Religion: Through Bible stories, daily prayers, music, and age-appropriate text, with our Allelu! curriculum, students learn they are children of God Social Skills: Play, games, multisensory activities, and verbal scaffolding, help children practice interpersonal skills and build confidence.
Language Arts: Teacher-led large and small group activities, such as songs, stories, and dramatizations, help children develop receptive and expressive language capabilities while enhancing early literacy skills. We utilize the Sunform Phonics System to help introduce letters and corresponding sounds. Mathematics: Combined use of play, exploration, multi-sensory projects, and manipulatives foster numerical understanding and lay the foundation for mathematical concepts. Mathematical activities include an introduction to numerals, sorting, patterning, measuring, comparing, and counting.
Science: Counting, sorting, classifying, measuring, and predicting are all part of classroom exploration in theme-based seasonal units that help children explore, experiment, and integrate scientific knowledge. Social Studies: We teach the concept of community through building awareness of family structure and relationships, local geographic areas, public helpers, and holidays.
Art:Serving as an essential, expressive component of early childhood education, art is integrated into all aspects of the curriculum as a primary vehicle to:
  • Provide hand-on experiences that expand imagination and creativity;
  • Develop fine motor skills as well as eye and hand coordination; and
  • Improve observation skills.
Music: Teachers employ music and song as a primary tool for transitioning to various activities. Children acquire basic concepts of music through song and experimentation with various rhythms, movements and instruments.
Physical Education: Outdoor play and guided indoor activities provide opportunities for children to develop gross motor skills. Students gain a sense of fair play, cooperation, and teamwork through teacher coaching and peer interaction. Spanish: In a weekly class, students learn songs, storytelling, and games. The subject of study includes but is not limited to weather, feelings, greetings, colors, animals, clothing, foods, transportation, and the body.
Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor activities may include manipulating small objects, coloring and cutting with various tools, assembling puzzles, and examining sensory materials. Artwork also enhances fine motor skills.

Session Information

The School of St. Mary starts the academic year on August 24, 2023, and closes on June 4, 2024. However, preschool begins with a “soft open” and concludes with a social event at the end of May. Students must be 3 years old by September 1. We offer the following Prek-3 options:
  • 3 Mornings: Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • 5 Mornings: Monday-Friday; 8:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 
  • Lunch Bunch* 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  
  • 5 Full Days: Monday-Friday; 8:45 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
    *Optional for students currently enrolled in mornings only.
Extended Day is available before school for morning students and before and after school for full-day students.


Open Houses & Info Sessions


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Mrs. Shelley Cummings


Teacher Assistants

Mrs. Cathy Geier

Ms. Angela Sandner

Ms. Lindsay Kovacevich


Teacher Assistant

Ms. Kym Gebbels

Classroom Special Events

Our preschoolers enjoy the benefit of several traditional special events and activities. 
  • Halloween Celebration
  • Night at the Bookfair with Santa
  • Christmas Sing & Party
  • Catholic Schools Week Presentation
  • Valentine's Day Party
  • End of Year Social