UGC morning drop off begins at 8:30 a.m. Please be aware that there is no supervision until that time. Students should not be dropped off before 8:30 a.m. When dropping off students in the morning, please follow this route:
Please enter the Oakwood Parking Lot through the north entrance off of Oakwood Avenue. When entering the Oakwood Parking Lot, we ask that you do so by making a right-hand turn. When you try and enter the lot by making a left-hand turn off of Oakwood, it backs up those parents coming from the north. It also backs traffic up and prevents those trying to exit the Oakwood Parking Lot from the south exit.
Proceed to the curb by the school and pull all the way forward to the south end of the sidewalk toward the entrance doors to the school.
Leave the Oakwood Parking Lot through the south exit. Make a right-hand turn when leaving the lot, heading south on Oakwood Avenue when exiting. Please see the Drop-Off Map below.
For safety reasons, students should never be walking through the parking lot during drop-off. All students should be dropped off in the indicated drop-off area. Students should not be exiting the car on Illinois Rd. or Oakwood Rd.
For UGC afternoon pick-up, please follow these instructions:
Please enter the Oakwood Parking Lot through the north entrance off of Oakwood Avenue. When entering the Oakwood Parking Lot, we ask that you do so by making a right-hand turn. When you try and enter the lot by making a left-hand turn off of Oakwood, it backs up those parents coming from the north.
Please pull into an open parking spot, and turn your car off. Do not just form a line in the parking lot as it prevents others from entering the lot.
The children will begin being dismissed at 3:35 p.m. (12:15 p.m. on half days, 2:23 p.m. on early dismissal days).
Please let your child know where you are parked and have them meet you at your car.
Please do not start exiting the parking lot until the teachers on duty have indicated it is time to do so. Faculty will be standing at the exit on the south side of the Oakwood Parking Lot and will wave to inform parents when vehicles may safely exit the parking lot. Dismissal may take a little while, so be patient and courteous as we ensure that release runs smoothly and safely. Leave the Oakwood Parking Lot through the south exit. Make a right-hand turn, heading south on Oakwood Avenue when leaving.
During after-school pick-up at UGC, please do not pick your children up along Oakwood Avenue, as opposed to inside our school parking lot. Pick-up along Oakwood Avenue encourages students to cross the street at the busiest time of the day, with cars coming and going in both directions. Doing so is putting our students at risk. The safest practice is to pull into and park in our school parking lot.