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August 2024

Dear School Families, Faculty and Staff,

    Hello! I am very hopeful about the new school year and the many opportunities we will have to live our lives in Christ Jesus as we come together as a community of faith, by supporting and participating in the events during this school year and church year.

    The gospel of John has the very beautiful parable known as the “Vine and the Branches”. We  pray in the 15th chapter of the gospel of John, hearing Jesus clearly and emphatically saying to us; "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing." Our students learn this passage in their religion classes at the School of St. Mary. People who worship at the Church of St. Mary learn this parable when it occurs in the Sunday readings that are proclaimed at Mass. It is a beautiful parable for the 2024 – 2025 academic year of the School of St. Mary. 

    We are very fortunate to have two campuses that make up the School of St. Mary. The campuses may be separated by some Open Lands, by a highway, some sub divisions as well as located four miles apart, but these realities do not negate the truth that we are one school community. We are all part of the three-time, award-winning, BlueRibbon School of St. Mary. 

    As the year begins, we will make connections with those new to the School of St. Mary. Returning students will reach out in welcome, making connections and friendships with those new to their classroom. Our faculty and administration have welcomed new peers to our school. I pray that connections will be made amongst all families, parishioners and non-parishioners that send their children to St. Mary’s school. 

    Every new school year holds great promise as well as unknown challenges. I am confident that connected to Jesus we will accomplish great things this year. For when we pray together, work together, sacrifice when needed and cooperate where beneficial, the year of promise will unfold for the Crusader community at the School of St. Mary.

    You have been and will remain in my prayers. I ask that you remember me in your prayers. I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions or if I can be of help or support to you and to your family growing in faith!  

God bless our school community, with Christ centered connections as we grow in faith and live “connected lives with Jesus and one another” throughout the 2024 – 2025 school year. 




Fr. Mike Nacius