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School Advisory Council (SAC)

The purpose of the School Advisory Council (SAC) is to advise, assist and support the pastor and principal of the School of St. Mary in achieving its mission. Through their committees, members of the School Advisory Council lend their gifts and expertise to meet and anticipate the needs of the school.
ChairEileen Weber
Vice ChairMichelle Kijek
SecretaryKate Burke
Catholic IdentityKatie Feeney
CurriculumDale Lyons, Justin Fisk
DevelopmentMaeve Curran, Diana Hand
FinanceRob Busam, Meredith Leggitt, Chris Schenkel
Legislative ActionBrian Perry
Marketing & Enrollment          Brittany Ruef, Mandy Castle, Sabrina Jerina
Student LifeJohn Hancir, Peter Hartman
TechnologyKristina Madsen Lowery, Ashley Madsen, Jimmy Griffin
Parents AssociationHeidi Christen
Faculty Rep (UGC)Margaret Hogan
Faculty Rep (PGC)Natalie Agostinelli
AD HOC Teacher 
Recruitment & Retention
Liza Jessen, Courtney Bott