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Extracurricular Activities at the School of St. Mary


The School of Saint Mary believes in educating the whole child, and that happens both inside and outside the classroom. Extracurricular activities allow students to further their education and focus on their non-academic interests, helping to create well-rounded individuals. SOSM offers a variety of activities and clubs for all students. Please be sure to follow all links, as many of the programs require registration with outside organizations. 

Families must pay for activities prior to student attendance unless otherwise stated. Families must be current with their tuition and fee payments in order to register for extracurricular activities.  

Fine Arts at the School of St. Mary



Music Education Services will provide the Band Program at the School of St. Mary. No experience is necessary. 
Grades: 4th grade and older
Program cost: dependent on instrument and level; see registration website  
Meeting day/time: Wednesday & Fridays, before school and at lunch. Students do not miss academic classes.  
Band begins:

Registration: Register on the Music Arts Websit
To register: 

  1. Have your child visit the website:
  2. Have them watch the instrument demonstration videos.
  3. Choose their instrument and register for the band. 

Contact: Louie Cruz,


Children will sing in unison and in two-part harmony and will learn to follow a conductor. They will perform within the school and community (senior citizens’ luncheon, Christmas performances, school and parish liturgies, etc.).
PGC Choir
Grades: 2nd and 3rd grade  
Program cost: none  
Meeting day/time: Wednesdays when school is in session from 8:005-8:45 a.m. in the music room 
Contact: Mrs. Ferguson
School of St. Mary Children's Choir (UGC Choir)
Grades: 4th - 8th
Program costs: none
Meeting day/time: Mondays during lunch period, UGC Music Room
Contact: Mr. Manges


Athletics at the School of St. Mary

The School of Saint Mary offers several different athletic opportunities for our students throughout the school year. For interscholastic sports, we are part of the Council IIA League. You can find all our athletic offerings on the Athletics Page

Non-competitive Athletics

Afterschool athletics that teach the foundation of sports are offered at the PGC. These programs do not compete inter-scholastically. 

After-School Sports Club by Finish Strong
Join the coaches from Finish Strong and extend the school day with high-energy sports fun! SOSM students will stay on campus from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. We will utilize the gym for basketball, football, kickball, dodgeball, capture the flag, and more!
Who: Kindergarten and 1st Grade (Mondays), 2nd and 3rd Grade (Fridays)
LIMITED SPACE: 20 Participant Maximum

  • Mondays (K & 1st), 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. December 2, 2024 - February 3, 2025
    no classes 12/23, 12/30, 1/6 or 1/20
  • Fridays (2nd & 3rd), 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. December 6, 2024 - February 14, 2025
    no classes 12/20, 12/27, ½, 2/7 or 2/14

Where: PGC gym
Cost: $200
Register: Register for After-School Sports Club
Contact: Coach Ed (

Pickleball Club

Play pickleball with Mr. Stanwood & Father Radley! We will start by playing casual games of pickleball and learning the game's rules. Then, in March, towards the end of the club, start a tournament with prizes for the winners.

Who: 4th & 5th Grade
When: Tuesdays, January 14th - March 18th, 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.
Where: UGC Gym
Cost: $150
Contact: Mr. Stanwood
Register: Pickleball Club Registration

Clubs at the School of St. Mary


Chess-Ed provides this unique, exciting, and dynamic chess instruction, which lifts each student to a new level of expertise. Students will enjoy an engaging lesson each week with supervised time to play with classmates. Students will grow their knowledge of the game - from the basics through opening theory, middle-game tactics, and end-game combinations. Students' vocabulary and math skills will continue to advance. Studies confirm that the student who plays chess does better academically. Playing chess increases IQ performance, improves memory, uses analytical and critical thinking skills, teaches problem-solving, responsibility, sportsmanship, social skills, and more. The chess program is open to all students of all grades and playing levels. 
Grades: K-8
Program Cost: The Early Registration fee is $250 and is available through 9/7/2024 at 11:59 p.m. (The fee will not increase again this year.) The Final Registration fee is $280 and begins on 9/8.
Meeting day/time: 
  • Mondays 7:50 a.m. UGC 4-8 grade 
    • Winter/Spring Session: January 27, February 3, 10, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 31, April 7, 14, 28, May 5, 12, 19 - no classes February 17, March 24, and April 21
  • Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. PGC 2-3 grade 
    • Winter/Spring Session: January 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20 - no classes March 25
  • Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. PGC K-1 grade 
    • Winter/Spring Session: January 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21 -  no classes March 26
Contact: Include your school name in the subject line or Alice Holt (Chess-Ed) directly at
Parent Documents: SOSM Fall Session Information


SOSM Newspaper Club

Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are invited to become part of a news team that will cover a variety of events happening at the School of St. Mary. Club members will gather every week to discuss and assign possible stories and events to cover; education, sports, art, people, etc., write and edit each other’s work, and layout and publish a school paper. 
Grades: 5th-8th Grade
Program Costs: $160-180 per session, see details below
Meeting Day/Time: Every Monday after school from 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. in Mrs. Hogan’s or Mrs. Tazioli’s classrooms. 
  • Session 2: November 18, December 2, 9, 16, January 13, 27, February 3, 10, 24 - Cost: $180
  • Session 3: March 3, 10, 17, April 28, May 5, 12, 19, June 2 - Cost: $160
Registration: Newspaper Registration Form
Contact: Mrs. Hogan and Mrs. Tazioli

LEGO Club - April

Do you love games and hanging out with your friends? This club is for you! We will work on developing social skills and problem-solving while building with LEGOs! 

Who: Kindergarten through 3rd Grade
Limited to the first 16 students who sign up. 
When: Tuesdays, April 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th
Where: Mrs. Teitz Room (Room 11)
Cost: $150
Contact: Mrs. Teitz
Register: April LEGO Club Registration

Dance Club Session 4

Come exercise and dance with Ms. Recker!  Each week, we will explore a different style of dance: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and musical theatre. No dance experience is necessary - all levels are welcome! Come with a positive attitude, ready to dance and learn, and let's get movin' and groovin'!

Who: Open to students in Kindergarten-3rd grade
There is a 12-person limit for Dance Club, and the first 12 students to sign up will be registered.
When: Monday afternoons 3:30–4:30 p.m. on March 3rd, 10th, 17th, and April 7th, 14th, 28th
Where: Room 8 @ the PGC
Cost: $160 total paid via FACTS
Registration: Dance Club Session 4 Registration
Contact: Ms. Recker

Around the World Club - Session 4

"Travel" around the world with your friends and Ms. Recker! Each week, we will learn about a different country's geography, culture, food, and language by reading books, singing songs, making flags, and more! All "travelers" will get their own passport and receive stamps as we "travel" around the world!

Who: Open to students in 1st-3rd grade
There is a 12 person limit for Around the World Club, and the first 12 students to sign up will be registered. 
When: Tuesday afternoons 3:30-4:40 p.m. on March 4th, 11th, 18th, and April 8th, 15th, 29th
Where: Ms. Recker's classroom - Room 15 @ the PGC
Cost: $190 total paid via FACTS
Registration: Around the World Club Session 4 Registration
Contact: Ms. Recker

Origami Club - Session 4

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. Learn origami from Ms. Recker, who learned origami when she lived in Japan! Origami teaches patience, concentration, and cooperative learning.  Join the Origami Club to see what 3D paper creations we will make!

Who: Open to students in 2nd-3rd grade
There is a 15 person limit for Origami Club, and the first 15 students to sign up will be registered.
When: Thursday mornings 8:00-8:30 a.m. on March 6th, 13th, 20th and April 3rd, 10th, and 17th
Where: Ms. Recker's classroom - Room 15 @ the PGC
Cost: $100 total paid via FACTS
Contact: Ms. Recker
Registration: Origami Club Session 4 Registration

Winter Craft Club

Join Ms. Agostinelli and Ms. Mitchell for the Winter Craft Club! Each week, we will create different crafts based on the winter season for the children to enjoy and take home. We look forward to painting, coloring, and using our imaginations to create together!

Who: Kindergarten - 3rd Grade, limited to 25 students
When: Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m., January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. 
Where: PGC Room 9
Cost: $200, all materials provided
Contact: Ms. Agostinelli or Ms. Mitchell

Registration: Register for the Winter Craft Club

Role Playing Game (RPG) Club

Action, adventure, imagination! Join the RPG club for a fun table-top role-playing adventure! This game will involve dice, imagination, and choices in an open-world fantasy adventure!

Who: Students in 6th & 7th Grade
limited to 6 students
When: Tuesdays, January 14th - March 4th, 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.
Where: Mr. Dolan's Room, N302
Cost: $75 paid via FACTS
Contact: Mr. Dolan
Registration: Register for RPG Club

UGC Trivia Club

Put on your thinking caps and get ready to buzz in! Each week, students will test their knowledge on a variety of topics with individual and group competitions - friendly, of course!

Who: 4th & 5th Grade
limited to 20 students
When: 3:45 - 4:45 p.m. Mondays, January 13th, 27th, February 10th, 24th, and March 3rd, and 10th
No meetings on January 20th, February 3rd, or February 17th.
Where: UGC MPR
Cost: $100
Contact: Mrs. Schenkel
Register: Register for Trivia Club

Pencil and Paint Club - 2

Looking for a fun and creative way to ring in the New Year? Come sketch and paint on a canvas board. Follow step-by-step instructions on each directed drawing project and paint your masterpieces.  

Who: 1st - 3rd Grade, limited to 16 students
When: Mondays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., February 24th - March 17th
Where: PGC Room 14
Cost: $195, all materials provided
Contact: Mrs. Thomas
Register: Register for Pencil and Paint Club 2 

LEGO Club - February

Do you love games and hanging out with your friends? This club is for you!  We will work on developing social skills and problem solving all while building with LEGOs!  

Who: Kindergarten - 3rd Grade, limited to 16 students
When: Tuesday, 3:30 - 4:30, February 11th, 18th, 25th, and March 4th
Where: PGC Room 11
Cost: $140
Contact: Mrs. Teitz
Register: FULL

Create with Clay - 2

Create with Clay!  Come and get creative while we use air-dry clay to shape a variety of objects, animals, and figures.

Who: 1st - 3rd Grade, limit 16
When: Wednesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., February 19th - March 12th
Where: PGC Room 14
Cost: $195, all materials provided
Contact: Mrs. Thomas
Register: Create with Clay 2 Registration

Candle Making Club - 2

Looking for a gift for Mother's Day? Want to fill your home with luscious scents? Create your own homemade candle jar with pressed flowers, soy wax, and essential oils! Perfect for gifts or for lighting at home! 

Who: Open to students in 1st-3rd grade
There is a 12-person limit for Candle Making Club.
When: Friday mornings 8:00-8:30 a.m. on April 4th, 11th, 25th, and May 9th
Where: Ms. Recker's classroom - Room 15 @ the PGC
Cost: $100 total paid via FACTS
Contact: Ms. Recker
Register: Candle Making Club 2 Registration

UGC Board Game Club

Calling all 4th and 5th-grade gamers! Join Mrs. Giannelli for a 5 week board game and directed drawing club. We will play Monopoly, Clue, Yahtzee, and your other favorites! Please bring a snack, and if you would like your favorite game to share.

Who: 4th & 5th grade, max of 20 students
When: Thursdays, 3:45 - 4:45 p.m., January 16th, 23rd, 30th and February 20th, 27th
Where: S209
Cost: $125
Contact: Mrs. Giannelli
Register: Board Game Club Registration

Revolution Robotics with STEAM Academy

Explore engaging engineering concepts by building robots with our own Revolution Robotics kits and PROgramming them with text-based blocks, all within an action-packed storyline. Each week students build and code a robot with STEAM Academy's own Revolution Robotics kits, alongside an immersive curriculum designed specifically for preteens that fosters their resilience and problem-solving skills while also teaching them about engineering and coding.

Who: 4th - 6th Grade
A minimum of 8 students is needed to run the class, and 14 students is the maximum.
When: Wednesdays, 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.
Where: S126
Cost: $336 (payment plans available)
Contact: Please reach out to with any questions!
Register: With STEAM Academy

March Movie Madness

Please join Mrs. Homan and Mrs. Zitko for some pre-SPRING BREAK FUN! Pizza, gym time, games, and movie time.

Who: Kindergarten - 3rd Grade, minimum of 10 students
When: Wednesday, March 12th, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Where: PGC
Cost: $125
Contact: Mrs. Homan or Mrs. Zitko 
Register: March Movie Madness Registration Form

DIY Club -1 

DIY means "Do It Yourself!" Each week, we will create different knick-knacks. Have fun with friends while making keychains, magnets, and more!

Who: Open to students in 1st-3rd grade
There is a 12 person limit for DIY Club.
When: Friday mornings from 8:00-8:30 a.m. on February 21st, 28th, and March 7th, 14th
Where: Ms. Recker's classroom - Room 15 @ the PGC
Cost: $100 total paid via FACTS
Contact: Ms. Recker
Register: DIY Club Registration

Math Club - 1

Join Ms. Agostinelli and Ms. Mitchell for Math Club Session 1! Each week we will begin the session by completing math homework given from classroom teachers. The rest of the time will be spent with engaging math games, puzzles, projects, and more! Math Club is open to students at all levels! We are excited for learning and fun!

Who: Open to students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade
There is a limit of 25 students for Math Club. The first 25 students to sign up will be registered. Completing this form does not guarantee registration. You will receive a confirmation email with the status of your registration.
When: Wednesdays after school from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on March 5th, 12th, and 19th
Where: PGC Room 9
Cost: $100 total paid via FACTS
Contact: Ms. Agostinelli or Ms. Mitchell
Register: Math Club Registration

Friendship Bracelet Club

Come socialize with friends while making different types of friendship bracelets. Each week we will use a variety of different beads, string and techniques.  

Who: 1st - 3rd grade, limit 16
When: Mondays, April 7th - 28th, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Where: PGC Room 14
Cost: $200, all materials provided
Contact: Mrs. Thomas
Register: Friendship Bracelet Club Registration

Slime Time

Learn how to make different types of slime while experimenting with colors and textures. From Glossy & Buttery to Ooey, Gooey & Crunchy.  Each slime created will be brought home in a slime container.  

Who: 1st - 3rd grade, limit of 14
When: Wednesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., April 2nd - April 23rd
Where: PGC room 14 
Cost: $200 all supplies provided
Contact: Mrs. Thomas
Register: Slime Time Registration


Scouting at the School of St. Mary


Junior Girl Scouts #47457

Grades: 4th Grade Girls
Meeting Days/Time: At the UGC from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on the following Sundays: September 15th, October 27th, November 17th, December 1st, January 12th, February 9th, March 16th, April 13th, and May 18th.
Registration: Contact the leaders below
Contact: Michelle Kijek and Leah Woock

Cub Scout Pack #49 

Grades: Boys in kindergarten through 5th grade
Meeting Days/Times: September 8th, October 13th, November 10th, December 8th, January 12th, February 9th, March 9th, and April 13th, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the MPR at UGC 
*Except 12/8 in UGC Library & 1/12 in Parish Center. 

Additional campouts and outings will be scheduled. Scouts in uniform and their families are encouraged to attend Mass at 10:00 a.m. prior to the meeting.

Registration: Cub Scout Pack #49 Registration
Contact: Mike Bott, Brian Weber, Jimmy Griffin 

Scouts BSA Troop #48

Sponsored by the American Legion, McKinlock Post 264, Scouts BSA Troop 48 of Lake Forest welcomes families to consider the adventures and opportunities scouting can offer youth!
Grades: Separate troops for boys and girls ages 11-17
Meetings: Meetings are held once a week, and they camp on a regular basis. 
Registration: Troop 48 Lake Forest
Contact: Jane Slover ( and Maureen Anger (

Honor societies recognize students who achieve exemplary marks and dedication to their education. 


Student Council

The purpose of the Student Council is to promote service, leadership, and Christian leaders. Elections are held in May for students to serve on the Student Council Board for the following year. 8th graders serve on the Student Council Board. Students elected as Ambassadors and to Board positions for 7th grade will then assume 8th grade Student Council positions. Fourth through eighth-grade homeroom representatives are elected during the 1st quarter and serve as representatives for the remaining year. New classroom representatives are chosen each year. 
Board positions: 8th grade
Ambassadors: 7th grade
Homeroom Representatives: 4th through 8th grade
Program Cost: none
Meeting day/time:
Registration: By election only
Contact: Mrs. Tazioli