Faith Formation
The School of St. Mary weaves faith into all aspects of the school and the routines of our day. As a ministry of the Church of St. Mary, we are a community centered on Jesus Christ. We are guided by the Holy Spirit and apostolic teaching of the universal Catholic Church. We worship and glorify God through prayer, Scripture, participation in the sacraments, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, active charity and justice, and the advancement of the common good.
Our students learn about the Catholic Church, the Scriptures, and other religious traditions through study and celebration. We value diversity and teach our students about other religions in order to build tolerance and peaceful discourse. We begin each day with prayer and gather weekly for school masses. Our students learn to care for one another, their community, and their earth as they witness the larger Catholic Community embodying Christian values.
Catholic faith-learning communities commit to help each student develop his or her potential for conscious, responsible living, healthy rtelationships and leadership.
- From Mission of Catholic Schools in the Archdioces of Chicago