Prayer and Liturgy
The regular celebration of the Eucharist, paraliturgies, and prayer services are integral aspects of the spiritual development of both the students and the entire Catholic education community of the School of St. Mary. Students participate in both the preparation and celebration of these liturgies.
Weekly School Mass
Families and the parish community are invited to join us in these celebrations.
All School Masses
Several times a year, students in 1st - 3rd grade will be bussed to the Church of St. Mary so that they may attend Mass with the Upper Grade Center buddies. All School Masses are held at 10:00 a.m.
All School Masses for the 2023-2024 School Year
- Back-to-School Mass, Tuesday, September 6
- All Saints Day Mass, Wednesday, November 1
- Immaculate Conception Mass, Friday, December 8
- Catholic Schools Week, Wednesday, January 31
- Ash Wednesday Mass, Wednesday, February 14
Prayer Services
In addition to our regular celebrations of Mass, there are several traditional prayer services that the students participate in planning and celebrating:
- October - both campuses pray the Rosary together weekly
- Advent - weekly advent prayer services are held at both campuses. The PGC gathers together to light an advent wreath.
- Nativity Service - the 8th grade and 2nd Grade students work together to present the story of the nativity to both campuses.
- Stations of the Cross - through the Lenten season, the Upper Grade Center will go through the Stations of the Cross on Friday morning. This culminates in the Living Stations of the Cross presented by the 8th-grade class for the rest of the campus and the larger Church of St. Mary community.
- May Crowning - the 2nd and 8th-grade students lead and participate in a special May Crowning Mass held at both the Church of St. Mary and St. Patrick's at the beginning of May.