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Crusader Chase Fun Run


The School of St. Mary Parents Association is excited about another great Fun Run event for the students. This year's run is the Crusader Chase, and it's powered by We are kicking off the fun on April 15th, and our goal is to raise $50,000 for the Crusader Fund! 
This fundraiser will be fun for all our students, and after a long winter, it will be so great to gather outside and get some exercise! At the finale of our 2-week pledge drive on April 25th, students will complete 30-35 laps during a fun run to raise funds for our school.  As you know, the Crusader Fund is an integral part of our school and is responsible for helping fill the gap between tuition and educational costs. We hope that your family will be able to support the run in whatever way you can. Families can give, share your student's fundraising link with others, volunteer at the event, or do all three! 


Crusader Chase Race Day Schedule



Volunteers are needed all day and for each class run time.

Volunteer SignUp


Please contact Heidi Christen with any questions. 

Thank you Sponsors