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Middle school students prepare for Confirmation through daily religion study, weekly Mass, participation in Parish activities including retreats and field trips, and a strong emphasis on service.
In sixth grade, the focus is on the Old Testament, and students are required to write seven Mass reflections per year.
In seventh grade, the focus is on the New Testament, and students are required to write seven Mass reflections per year. Confirmation preparation will include Parish Religious Ed meetings, written papers and projects, and supporting the 8th graders at Confirmation. 
In eighth grade, the focus is on the Catholic Church, and students are required to write seven Mass reflections per year. Confirmation preparation will include Parish Religious Ed meetings, retreats, and co,confirmation interviews. 
Learn more under Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation.



Ms. Amy Baniewicz 
8th Grade


Mrs. Mary Pat Fox 
8th Grade

Mrs. Margaret Hogan
6th Grade


Mrs. Margaret Tazioli
7th Grade



We Believe